100% Grass-Fed Lamb
Pasture Makes Perfect Lamb
We raise 100% grass-fed, grass-finished Katahdin sheep, a breed of hair sheep from Maine. As hair sheep, they shed vs. shear and have low lanolin.
Katahdin are known for their hardiness, good mothering instincts, strong parasite resistance, and broad diet—great characteristics for a pasture-based diversified farm.
The flock grazes our cool season grass pastures and warm season prairie wildflower pastures but also takes browsing forays into the woodlands and munches on tree fodder as part of our ecological forestry practices.
The diversity in their diet allows them to select—and self-medicate—the plants they need to stay healthy and grow meat of the highest quality.
Because of the low lanolin and their varied diet, Katahdin meat is mild, juicy and nutrient-dense.
Sheep’s role in ecology
While fall-marketed lamb brings production value, the flock is also a critical component to our regeneration efforts on the farm.
Rotational grazing and silvopasture are some of the best practices for building soil; and the voracious sheep flock is a nice complement to grazing cows in the open pastures.
Lamb Availability
100% grass-fed, grass-finished lamb is available “on the hoof” in late fall as the leaves fall and pastures go dormant for winter.
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