Pasture-Raised Chicken
Pasture Makes Perfect Chicken
We raise White Rock, or Cornish Cross, meat chickens on pasture from spring to fall, when they are able to live outside with sunlight and fresh air, and express their natural instincts as voracious omnivores on a buffet of forage, seeds, and insects.
Along with grazing happily on pasture, chickens also eat a diverse mix of locally grown and milled grain and seeds, most of which is organically grown and all of which is non-GMO, clean (i.e. free of chemical residues) and unmedicated.
The meat of a pasture-raised chicken looks similar to high quality supermarket chicken: plump breasts and legs and a good amount of white meat. You can see the difference pasture living provides in the collagen-set of stock and health of the organs.
Read more about why pasture-raised chicken is better for you, the chicken and the soil.
Chicken’s role in ecology
Our meat chickens live in mobile “chicken tractors” or “pasture pontoons” that we move to fresh pasture daily until they are mature at around 8 weeks.
By moving the chickens daily, they act as organic fertilizers by spreading their manure along the way. We place the pasture pontoons across degraded areas of pasture that need a boost.
Chicken Availability
Pasture-raised chicken is available starting the end of June until we sell out in the winter.
We sell fresh chicken three times throughout the growing season, with dates here.
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